Radiation Oncology Residency Salary: A Comprehensive Overview

Radiation oncology is a highly specialized field that requires extensive training and expertise. Radiation oncology residents play a crucial role in the treatment and care of cancer patients, and their salaries reflect the importance of this profession. In this article, we will delve into the salary ranges for radiation oncology residents in the United States, exploring the various factors that influence their compensation.

Salary Ranges for Radiation Oncology Residents

The salary range for radiation oncology residents in the United States varies based on factors such as location, institution, and level of training. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), the average annual salary for a radiation oncology resident in the United States is between $48,144 and $71,793. This range reflects the significant variation in salaries across different institutions and regions.

Salaries by Post-Graduate Year

The salaries for radiation oncology residents also vary based on their post-graduate year (PGY). For example, at the University of Pennsylvania, the salaries for radiation oncology residents are as follows:

  • PGY 1: $69,869
  • PGY 2: $72,536
  • PGY 3: $76,062
  • PGY 4: $80,311
  • PGY 5: $83,041
  • PGY 6: $86,534
  • PGY 7: $88,923
  • PGY 8: $90,907
  • PGY 9: $94,405

Similarly, at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the salaries for radiation oncology residents are:

  • Resident I: $87,890 per year
  • Resident II: $90,264 per year
  • Resident III: $93,171 per year
  • Resident IV: $96,297 per year
  • Effective July 1, 2024:
    • Resident I: $92,284 per year
    • Resident II: $94,777 per year
    • Resident III: $97,829 per year
    • Resident IV: $101,715 per year

Salaries at Other Institutions

Other institutions also offer varying salaries for radiation oncology residents. For example, at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, the salaries for radiation oncology residents are:

  • PGY2: $65,540.80
  • PGY3: $68,016
  • PGY4: $71,552
  • PGY5: $74,256
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At Harvard Radiation Oncology Program, the salaries for radiation oncology residents are:

  • PGY 1: $71,400
  • PGY 2: $75,000
  • PGY 3: $78,500
  • PGY 4: $82,500
  • PGY 5: $86,500
  • PGY 6: $90,000
  • PGY 7: $95,000
  • PGY 8: $100,000

Benefits and Perks

In addition to their salaries, radiation oncology residents often receive various benefits and perks. These can include comprehensive health coverage, prescription drug plans, dental and vision plans, employee life insurance, and tax-deferred retirement plans. Some institutions also offer additional benefits such as housing supplements, educational allowances, and professional development opportunities.


Radiation oncology residents play a vital role in the treatment and care of cancer patients. Their salaries reflect the importance of this profession and the significant training and expertise required to excel in this field. The salary ranges for radiation oncology residents vary based on factors such as location, institution, and level of training, with some institutions offering higher salaries than others. Additionally, radiation oncology residents often receive various benefits and perks that enhance their overall compensation package.

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